7 thoughts on “FOXFIRE cover!”

  1. It’s beautiful! I especially love his golden stare and foxy ears. ^_^ It’s great to see an Asian boy on a cover, and there’s no hiding his features! Major kudos to the people behind the cover. Can’t wait to read it! Inugami vs. Kitsune, it should be intense. (Total side note, but when you first posted the synopsis of “dog-spirits”, it made me think of the Chinese dog spirit tiangou, and its connection to Japanese mythology.)

    1. Tavian is being a trailblazer as a hot Japanese dude on a YA cover. Wish there were more out there! Also, tiangou sound interesting! That means “sky dog” or “heavenly dog,” yes? (I’m studying Mandarin right now.)

  2. I am so excited to read this one! Tavian was my favorite character in Other and I’m so glad your giving him more of a back story πŸ˜€ I had trouble imagineing him in the first novel because there just aren’t enough Asian characters on tv or in movies etc…I love reading stories with interracial couples especialy ones involving asians, they definitely don’t get the love they deserve. May I ask who is the cover model???

    1. I agree that there aren’t enough Asian characters out there! And out of my own characters, Tavian is definitely one of my favorites. I actually don’t know who the cover model is, but he’s definitely hot. πŸ˜‰

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