Today is the first day of the Shadows of Asphodel blog tour! Visit Candace’s Book Blog for the full schedule. There will be reviews, interviews, and a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card! Some blog tour teasers:
Several weeks have passed since I read Shadows of Asphodel and I must say that the book has stuck with me. I can recall vivid scenes from the book effortlessly and for those of you who read a lot you know that it is a rare book that stays with you that well. – Gin’s Book Notes
I really like Ardis. She’s that brave, confident, take-charge kinda heroine and she’s not much for the angst and drama. I actually found Wendel to be more the drama-queen of the two (though to be fair, he does have a pretty angsty childhood/ history, though Ardis wasn’t all sunshine and rainbow either and she turned out pretty awesome). – Book Munchies
Shadows of Asphodel is also on sale for only $0.99 today, thanks to a Kindle Countdown Deal on Amazon. The sale will continue this week, so check back if you miss the first promo.
This sounds like an awesome book, and what a great giveaway. How very generous of you. I really want to read the book, much more than getting the card. The book sounds amazing.